Welcome to the Cocoa Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cocoa, FL! We are a Christian community and would love to have you join our family. To learn more about what we believe you can visit our About Us page. Please join us for Bible study, worship, and prayer.
Pastor Dan Schiffbauer
Cocoa Seventh-day Adventist Church
Please Join Us on Saturdays!
Service times:
Sabbath School: 9:30 AM
Worship Service: 11 AM
Worship Service @ 11 AM:
Please all attend, all who can. There are links for those who cannot come that will allow you to see the service.

Cocoa SDA Church:

4/05/24 4/13/24 4/20/24
New World Order Spirit of Truth Prophetic Prescriptions
4/06/24 4/13/24 4/20/24
The God Conspiracy Lost Day in Prophecy USA in Prophecy
4/07/24 4/14/24 4/21/24
Left Behind Deadly Deception Mark of the Beast
4/08/24 4/15/24 4/22/24
God With Us Hell's Greatest Myth The Remnant
4/11/24 4/18/24 4/25/24
Revelation's Countdown Antichrist Power New Age Prophets
4/12/24 4/19/24 4/26/24
The Rocks in the Box Mystery Babylon 1,000 Years of Peace

Revelation Of Hope Prophecy Seminar
Click on title to view :
7/21/23 7/22/23 7/23/23
The End: Here, Near, or Mere Fear? Prophecy's Code Why God?
7/27/23 7/28/23 7/29/23 Revelation's Final Message The Four Horsemen Of Hope Revelation's Sign
7/30/23 8/3/23 8/4/23
The Antichrist Agenda The Secret To Overcoming Revelation Solves Death's Mystery
8/5/23 8/5/23 8/6/23 The World of Tomorrow A Thousand Years of Peace Revelation's Lake of Fire
8/10/23 8/11/23 8/12/23
The Battle of Armageddon Babylon and the Bride 666 and Revelation's Last Call

Click on school link below to enter website
Our YouTube link:
Please click to subscribe to Pastor Dan's YouTube page:
Our Facebook link:
The Facebook page for Cocoa Church remains the same and is here:
Prayer meetings continue this week in both churches. You can join either meeting by Zoom if you'd like.
See links below. Come and receive a blessing.
Blessings to all
Pastor Dan
Zoom links for Prayer Meeting
Cocoa will meet Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 824 2273 2192
Passcode: 058502
Titusville SDA Church:
Zoom links for Prayer Meeting
Titusville meets on Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting ID: 880 4356 8249
Passcode: 262849